America’s #1 Car Donation / Distribution Charity

$90 Million — Value of Vehicles Awarded Free to Veterans and Families!

As Seen On

Who is Free Charity Cars?

Charity Cars, Inc. is a 501-C-3 non-profit charity. Federal EIN 59-3362703. Visit the “Who We Are” page for more details. (DBA 1-800-Charity Cars, Free Charity Cars)

If I was a member of the old website, should I reapply?

Yes, we will do our best to award vehicles to members previously applied to the old Free Charity Cars website. But, it is essential to reapply on the new site.

Does FCC verify members to ensure that they are truly in need and qualify?

Whenever we select a member for review to receive a vehicle, we authenticate and verify their story and the FCC application’s information to ensure that they qualify.

I’ve heard that many times the cars are given away at public events. Is this always the case?

No. Actually, most of the over 9000 cars that we have given away thus far have not been awarded at public events but to individuals.

Can our organization create a profile to apply for a vehicle? Can we use it on behalf of our clients?

Yes. FCC does award vehicles to other 501-C-3 non-profit charities. Your organization may create a profile for your organization. If you are selected, you may elect to receive a vehicle for your organization or refer an FCC client to obtain the vehicle.

I am a victim of domestic violence, and/or I am a private person. What is available for public viewing? Is my FCC application or my name made public?

The FCC private application is not made public and is only viewable to Staff. We have worked with many Domestic Violence survivors in the past and understand the need for privacy.

How will I be contacted if I am chosen to receive a charity car?

FCC will call your contact numbers listed on your application. If you don’t answer, we will leave a message (If you are screening your calls, our area code is 407). If we do not hear from you within 24 hours, we will email you. If we do not receive a call back from you within 48 hours of our first call, we will choose another member.

I am in immediate need of a car, and I can not wait. How can I get a car quickly?

We are at the mercy of the donating public, so we never know if, when, where, or what type of vehicle will become available. We do not have an inventory of vehicles readily available as we award cars as quickly as we get viable program cars. There is NO guarantee of a vehicle, and there may be an extensive waiting period for those who do receive vehicles. If you are in immediate need of a vehicle due to employment or medical crisis, our program may not be for you.

Still have a question? Visit our FAQ Page

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